Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ewwieeee -___________-"

so today was pretty bad. >.< but i should have seen it coming...
-sign #1: when i got to school today, i was running late as usual, and i went to my locker and there was a FRIGGIN SPIDER on my locker D: it was HUGE and i thought it was squished on there and i was lik -___________-" gross. then i turned the dial and it started jumping at my hand. and i freaked out. so i ran to class with the wrong book D:
-sign #2: jessica took kathy's news... not well. almost started crying cause she thought we were kidding. >.<
-sign #3: so i left a bag of cookies for kathynguyen on her desk cause its her bday and turns out SHE DIDNT GET THEM -_______- i was like WTF?! somebody stole them nasty goodies and ate them RAAWR! i even went on a search to find it but no luck. thank goodness jessica found them and gave them to her xD but who knows what anyone could have done to them O.O OMG if she gets sick its not my fault D: aww shieeet -__-"
-sign #4: i just found out i have a chem test tomorrow. TOMORROW -________-"
-sign #5: then theres the english quiz on wednesday... eww
-sign #6: and then no hug form carebear
-sign #7: there's this rumor going around. and i dont like it cause its about me. *cough* kathydao *cough* not like it makes a difference if i know. but im kind of being pushed to the limit. nothing is going to make me change my mind. and she can try to tell me how much she disapproves and she can try to influence me but, its not going to work. i love her but shes being just a bit of a hypocrite =/
-sign #8: mom nagged all day... its suppose to be her day off. why doesnt she go rest or something instead of taking out her pms on me?! yeeesh -_____-"
-sign #9: maria took the news worse than jessica >.< not goood.
-sign #10: jimmy made us write in confirmation class -________-" so annoying
-sign #11: oh yea and i forgot i got hit with a stupid basketball in p.e. it hit me and rebounded and hit jessicas face xD she thinks she has a concussion now and i have a huge headache -__________- but man... that was EMBARRASSING xD

and all this led up to my mom using me as a guinea pig, trying to make me all glamorous WTF -__________-" I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!!! (HA- right...)lets see if anyone notices the difference LOL i doubt it :P


  1. I NOTICED!!! psssh~ and rumor?! i miss talking to you on aim... call me!!! i hope you get this comment and not freakin ignore it!!!
