so ive been without internet for almost a week and i was slowly dying... but ive got it back ;D so omg last week was interesting. carebear planned out a really sweet valentines day thing but he got sick and couldnt finish it =/ its the thought that counts but seeing him so sick made me soooo sad >.< im glad hes better but omg hes still sick! rawr. thats what he gets for playing football in the rain :P lol and so his plan was ruined and so was mine omgahhh stupid rain. last week i planned a picnic thing for friday with lunchables(yea thats right LUNCHABLES... jealous?!) and a poster that said:"___ will you be my valentine?" even though i was super nervous i really wanted to do it. but noooo stupid weather -______-. but at least i got to go to the movies with him on saturday. fun. except the uninvited was a stupid movie. LOL but damn. it still scared me and gave me nightmares >:O even though i covered my eyes for all the scary parts. LOL. and when it was time to go home i couldnt find my cousins car cause i forgot she was driving her mom's. i saw this one car with phones coming out of the windows but i didnt pay attention to it. then they honked and called my name. and when i got in we started driving away and all four of them were asking each other "did you get a picture of him?!" im like HUH?! and i see all of them with their phones out. omg. embarrassing >.< but thank goodness none of them got a clear picture of him LOL losers :P then i spent the rest of my weekend cleaning up. so much fun -__-. but my room is so clean ;D but theres really no point since its gonna get messy again by tomorrow xD
so lets stray from me cause im not selfish or conceited and i dont like to only talk about myself xD. while i was having a pretty good weekend, maria and andrew were not =/. rawr. its really a stupid thing to fight over. but i think they can get through this. whats a few bumps in the road? i know they can get through this. hopefully they can end this "disagreement" tuesday and everythings all good again.
jessica is over korea?! im very surprised. it was so... out of the blue. but i suppose thats healthy? but i vaguely remember her saying theres someone knew. but btu but... dj kay is waaaaaay too old for her! and shes never seen him. what if hes NOT 21?! what if hes really 40 years old living with his mom BUt he sounds like a hot 21year old hmmm?????? im sensing DANGER!! >.< but its probably not dj kay right? idk...
kathy dao. eff xman. i havent talked to her much this weekend since no internet but why is her away so similar to xman's?! both of them are missing everything/all of soemthing O_o im confused. im hoping its just a coincidence.
omg so did i forget to mention that i read In Your Room this weekend? its actually pretty cute. and like the story of my life. sort of. kind of. but not really xD just the situation im in i guess? idk but happy ending (sort of?) yay. but kinda unrealistic lol i hope i get that happy ending too >.< but what i really love about that book was the quotes in it
"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."
- Albert Einstein
how cool is that?! LOL and...
"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.
In all the world, there is no love for you like mine."
-Maya Angelou
:'] i love these two quotes. so cute >.<
*sigh* nights <3
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ReplyDeleteyou're other comment thing isnt working so i hope you get this. basically... i just found out like 5 seconds ago that carebear has a blog too?! what the flippers?! this is like a fad now! this blooog thing! LOL! i think i need to talk to you btw... POSSIBLY! -shrug-