Saturday, January 31, 2009

im back ;D

so i just haven't had time to blog. but its the end of the semester and the beginning of a new (chinese/vietnamese) year so i guess ill start over again. a lot has happened since the last time i blogged. i guess i was avoiding this because i was so embarrassed that carebear read my blog and figured out he was carebear >.< *blushes* but i suppose its not that bad lol. ooh and he sang to me like thursday night. he sang im yours by jason mraz. it was really cute cause he was so nervous and hes not scared of ANYTHING apparently lol. to think hes afraid of singing is just too adorable cause his voice was so shaky lol. i liked it though. i was smiling the whole time. made my cheeks hurt xD. i really like what we have right now. i hope it lasts. but im still scared. i should just risk it right? but thats hard since this is my heart we're dealing with and i only have one of those. :/ i just want to take this one step at a time. i hope he can wait for me >.<

so anyways i went to the tet festival and i didnt get to talk to him all day. but i did get to hang out with tay and jeff for most of the time and kevin and his sister a little. me, mindy, and my cousin kathy each bought an allday pass for $25 then sold them for $10 each before we left xD. i didnt intend to be a hustler but now i feel really bad. >.< i thought i was killing two birds with one stone by saving money and like being a good samaritan (<< however you spell that) *sigh*

oh and im very excited about the subject of einstein. but i dont want to influence any thoughts about something that isnt there >.<

the end.


  1. psh.posh! not scare of ANYTHIGN!? whatevvvvvvvers!!! when i waved and shouted at him "HI CAREBEAR!" he hecka gave a weirdo look! didnt even say hi back! pssssssh~ not scared of anything.... >:P
