Monday, January 12, 2009

Curiousity killed the cat... I WISH

i hate cats. i really do. and im scared of all animals. i really am. ask anyone. but omg. today i was tortured at tiffany's house. we were suppose to do our project. yea playing with the cat AND kelly is not doing our project. NO WONDER I AM UP SO LATE. yeesh. the cat is like friggin scary and ugly. but even if like it looks like its doing nothing on the inside, i can tell, its scheming in that little head of hers. COCOA. thats her name. she has blue eyes. i would have said she was pretty if they hadnt shoved her in my face. D: yeesh. therapy?! i think NOT. danny says they were trying to "help" me get over my fears. yea laughing doesnt help. and cornering me doesnt help either. seriously it was danny on my left, table on my right, and sheila and tiffany with THE CAT right in front of me. i was screaming. NOT FUN. i screamed/cried so loudly that i scared the cat LOL my bad ... NOT. at least it got away from me. then we got back to work. lets pray for an A shall we?

okays im tired i just HAD to blog about the cat cause she made me cry. D:

btw: kelly 3 ; Danny 1 ... SUCKAHHHH im a better superhero than him. plus, hes a villain. and an accomplice to the evils of the cat. she totally manipulated the circumstances so that it looked like she was innoncent. but the CAT was sooo the mastermind behind the torture i faced today. dumb cat. *yawns*


  1. you know, danny's kinda funny.
    hmm,i'm reconsidering kardashian for you.

  2. LOL! ME TOO! RECONSIDERATION!!! lol! and it made you cry?! how sad :'[
