Friday, January 9, 2009

There's A First Time for Everything...

Okays, so I never thought I would be blogging, but here I am. I guess there's a first time for everything. I always thought blogs were stupid. People talk about their life, and frankly, its just not as interesting as they think it is. But let's make one thing clear, I'm only doing this, not because I want to be heard, but because I want to be able to look back and remember the good old times and learn from the bad ones (AND i felt left out since I was the only one in M[A]JKK who didn't have a blog xD). See how boring this is already? Okays, I'll cut the formality shizzle and let the drama that is the lunch table unfold...

today was actually not that bad if i only think about the good stuff. there were the good things like getting an A on a quiz that studied for at 2 in the morning the ngiht before, and then finding out i also got an A on the quiz before that i totally BSed :P i guess i did learn some stuff from georgia haha. then i got my retainer. fascinating, it really is. but then there were the bad things like the plague. SHE'S EVERYWHERE. seriously wtf. i saw her pass us in the hall and hide. like okay i can't see your purse coming out of the wall. and the she pops out and says that thing she always says -_____- DISGUST. totally ruined the song with her high pitched voice and FACE. i know i sound mean but ughh, i tried to be nice. seriously. while kathy and jessica bagged on her nonstop, i stood there and nodded thinking, i dont really know her, how cna i judge her so quickly? BUT FORGET THAT. she thinks she can just take our boys? thats right OUR boys not HER boys like she calls them. and whats with her and kardashian/metro/australia (thats right, hes so special he gets THREE nicknames LOL) they are ALWAYS together. DISGUST. what a friggin cougar. is it envy? idk. i dont even know if itseven to the extent of jealousy. im still confused. i thinks its the influence. jessica and mindy put in my head that i liked him and now im really confused if these "feelings" are legit. i jsut know im pretty pissed at IT, THAT THING... THE PLAGUE. and something else that bugs me is that i know he likes someone. but idk who, and i really dont want to know. im really scared of rejection i guess. D: whats worse is that he forgot soemthing at the table and jeffie gave it to me to hold cause hes lazy lol but majkk was all freaking out cuase i had it and saying that when i give it to him hell be so thankful and give me a hug and blah blah blah but i was like whatever. it did get me thinking thouhg. and when we went to the tennis courts and i didnt see him. i was disappointed. rejected. something jsut went crash D: cause i knew exactly where he was. well, not exactly but i knew who he was with. if that makes a difference. hes anywhere the plague is.

so more drama... apparently superman wants to meet me. sorry sir. i used to want to be your lois lane but you missed your chance buddy. LOL i cant believe kevin told his friend. i mean come on. i thoght only us girls and andrew do taht. maybe they really are all gay for each other. just keeding. but i cant believe it. i thoguht it was kind of weird that everytime i see him we have eye contact like he knows or knew. and like i see him everywhere now which is weird cause i never saw him when i did like him. and now he wants to meet me and he thinks my name is cherry LOL but whatevers. but im still baffled. why does it matter to him anyways? hes going to winter formal with someone. im proud to say, i dont care. LOL i used to say that with an unsure feeling, but its official as of 2 or 3 weeks ago? lol idk doesnt matter anyways.

kathy and xman. i dont like it. but if kathys happy, im good. but if he does anything stupid ill kick him to timbucktoo. however you spell that. "
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. . .And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:4-13. and you can take that to the bank. :P lets all think of this when we think about love shall we?

maria and andrew. the perfect couple. jealous? hells yea. they seem to be attuned to each others every thgouht (but not in a creepy way). lol wish i had that. "im lucky i'm in love with my best friend"- jason mraz. its their theme song. maria jsut doesnt know it cuase she hasnt listened to it yet, i dont think. shame right? cuase its the cutest song ever ever ever. atm for the win.

jessica and dynamite. omgomgomgomg i totally knew it. forget oliver. that was just a facade, cause hes soooo cute. but hes a thug. shame. LOL but anyways that time when she was talking about the "jessica? you meant he cute one?" and the singing to her or whatever. i knew it! i told her too. maybe i influenced it a little but its cute. waaaaay better than that jerkface korea. NORTH korea that is. stupid communist. RAWR. he doesnt deserve her. but dynamite. i approve. i HIGHLY approve. even thoguh i dont know him that well. cute. "just look at that cool duo" -kathydao

mindy and rickydickywhat???? idk who he is. idk his name. but i know he exists. LOL but kathy wont tell me who he is. its really not fair. mindy gets a front row seat of my life. and im locked out of the theatre with no ticket. MESSED UP. really. i think im being taken for granted.

first time blogging. boring? not to me.


    dynamite.......freaking influencing me.

  2. lol!i wasnt boring :] there was an emo part, and jealous part, and shoutouts. to liek all of us. AH! and atm! what the heckers?! embarrassing >.< i like the lois lang part... super lame~ and you were not rejected! psh.posh! i dunno about the k.dao part. im just iffy about it. and n.korea... hecks yeah! woo hoo! dynamite~~~ WAY BETTER!I TOTALLY HIGHLY APPROVE! and your metaphor about the theater... cute :] unfair... but totally cute :D
