Sunday, March 1, 2009

ive got the keys inside this kingdom...

so this weekend wasnt so bad. friday was ehh. some things happened, some people cried, i was left feeling blahh. then on saturday i went to the retreat. got in the same group as jessica. WOOT go derek ;D haha hes like the coolest leader with a.d.d.everrrrrrr haha. his stupid jokes, and stories about how he left elizabeth dancing alone to eat fish xD so messed up. and his random singing. i felt special cause i was the only one who knew most of the songs he sang. and friggin duy, not our duy, but the junior leader duy, hes kind of cranky. LOL i guess someone had to be since derek was so immature xD haha understanding what???? understanding JESUS! peace. love. understanding <3. soooo lame xD but whatevers. it wasnt that bad. lots of lectures. and then mass. what really bugs me is people who think theyre too cool to participate. uhh hello? then what are they doing there? i mean really. we're there to get closer to God and find ourselves. how is anyone going to do that if they dont let loose a little??? yeesh. and ppl couldnt at least lip sync to the songs?! yeesh -____- but other than that it was TIIIIIGHT xD lol. then afterwards went to doreenas house, ate, and took group pictures with the cousins on doreenas laptop. xD so fuuuuuuun. i want those pictures! and that video LOL. went to sleep at 3. :O shame on my parents. woke up at 8 and went to day two of retreat. today was funner. derek made me a flower out of a dollar. ITS SOOO PRETTY!!! i wnat to learn how to make that xD. and then we did our skit and stuff. me and jessica got in our first physical fight. >.< she pushed me really hard LOL i was so surprised. but it was all a part of the skit... OR WAS IT?! haha. today was fun. i cried. got very emotional TT__TT and derek was all making fun of me telling me how its a good thing i dont wear makeup cuase itd be all running down my face, then he started singing cry me a river -________- what a jerk. but im gonna miss him!!! omg. he better come to our confirmation! but the retreat was really good. opened my eyes and made me remember what Jesus did for me. now im all listening to the christian rap that i sent andrew and hes all wow youre eyes have really been . i was like nahh. but i guess so. i just gotta keep it that way. and remember not to let the materialism and drama in my life take over. i got this. ;D

cause we're so fly high-igh-igh-igh-igh-igh...


