Monday, March 16, 2009

Remember when we danced till the sun came up?

so i went home early. feel like shiiiiiz but im still blogging. last night was like one of the worst nights ever. i kept waking up (did i even sleep?)until i finally slept for reals at like 2-3? i dont even know. raaaawr. then i woke up sooo late today >.< 7:40 :O ran to class. i was late. my hair was a mess. embarrassing... >.< but on the bright side, this weekend wasnt soooo bad?. went to chuck e cheese. played some basketball. my high score? FORTY-FOUR! hells yea... but my average was like 30 xD sooo yeaa. even the little kiddies beat me xD i suuuuck. but at least i got 44 like once xD. thats right. be proud of me.:'] then we went to eat at Luc Dinh ky. nasty :P i like the other place better. so after we went home, i was debating whether or not to call carebear or not cause i missed him >.< and mindy stole my phone from me! >:O so i stole hers LOL. then i was like forget it. and i gave it back to her. and i went to sleep. but i couldnt sleep. so when she wasnt looking, i took my phone back and called him and she caught me. LOL xD. and she was being very obnoxious about it too. pshh. yelling at me in the background and stuff. i dont even know what she was saying. i heard something like "im very disappointed in you" and then really loud "FINE. IGNORE ME." xD but that was it. then my parents came home, and she was like mwahah and then she started fake coughing really LOUD. and right when my dad came in, she was all HI DADDY all sweet and stuff -_____- so devious. is that the word? lol idk. but i hung up on carebear xD and had to call him back after i finished talking to my dad about Disneyland, which, we've decided that we're not going to go because its too expensive and we'd rather do something else besides watch the little kiddies and walk around for hours. waste of money. so yea anyways. i told danny about my secret. >.< i guess he took it well? idk. its not gonna become anything big. i dont think its a big deal. but isnt it always like that? then we started talking about how apparently the idea of me in a dress is so laughable. pshh. hes all "giddy". SUUUURE. and "chortling" at me and MOCKING me like Santa Claus and calling me a ho ho ho. tsk tsk tsk. this all leads back to "bros before what?!" SHAME. haha. but i was just teasing :P maybe haha. i really like talking to him even though it means i lose sleep xD. but rawr. im always waiting by the phone, wondering if he misses me like i miss him. >.< this is getting corny. my sister finds it annoying. LOL. but whatever. okays okays, i need to nap. then call my sister to tell her to walk home. then do hw. then go to confirmation class. phew. only one more month of classes >.< im excited... ;D

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