Sunday, March 29, 2009

You got a piece of me and honestly my life would suck without you.

so i woke up and begged mindy for the computer. that butthead wouldnt give me the computer until a virus popped up. -______-" so she gave it to me to fix :P but i couldnt fix it rawr and now i have to call the antivirus people and do all this shizzle. >.< im scared of talking to strangers on the phone. >.< its scary D: then went to the mall. south coast plaza to be exact. like i can afford anything there -_-" so me and vivian went around looking for dresses but then we gave up and started trying on clothes xD fuuuuuun. ran around putting together an outfit xD haha. and then kathy and mindy met up with us and then we went to westminster mall. continued to look for dresses but no luck >.< went back to tracy's house and played with vincent. omgahh hes too cute xD he cant pronounce my name lol he calls me "chi keddy" haha that cutie. but rawr i didnt get to say a proper goodbye to danny cause my mom kept coming in. *sigh* so she stayed for a while and then later we decided that i was going to wear tracy's confirmation dress. ehh whatevers. i guess. i kinda wanted my own dress but we're on a budget >.< and im going to stick to that cause imma do whatever it takes to avoid operation: back to the east coast /)_(\ if it happens idk what id do D: its ok though. i think we can get through this with God's help of course. i know Hes got us. :] so i just finished drawing a map to my apartment for maria. shes coming over tomorrow to work on our saint project. and then im gonna make her help me with jeffery's fake cake xD im soo excited for his bday teeeeeheee.

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