Monday, March 9, 2009

show me a sign, give me a reason to believe in your smile...

happy bday kevin with the eye. lol i called him at like 3am cause i was still awake. but he didnt pick up so i just went to sleep LOL loser. its his bday he shoulda been up all night :P so anyways, tomorrow is the start of a new week. thank goodness. last week was so... yea. im glad its over. but there were those good times like watching the guys play tennis. ahha me and kathy just get so pumped up xD and i stole kevins winning ball. now all i have to do is get it signed ;D."kevin i'm your biggest fan!" ^^ LOL cant wait to watch their next game. but it sucks that most of the jv games are away =/ how are we suppose to cheer them on?! at least varsity plays home next week. screw what kevin says. we do not make them nervous PSHHHHH. when we disregarded his comment and ran to watch his game he OWNED. :P we motivate. duhh. and me? im just plain INSPIRATIONAL. LOLOLL jk. but im like the unoffiical stats girl :P for the table guys anyways. not really. i jsut keep the score out loud cause i cant stand not knowing who is winning. ahh the games are so intense xD seriously, tennis was the highlight of my week. :'] but even that couldnt take me away from all the drama. -_- lets get back to the good times :] i feel bad for lying to jessica. but i told her the truth. now i just have to update her on everything. no worries. will do tomorrow during pe. PINKY PROMISE nm/ (<< doesnt taht look like a pinky promise? xD) so its late. i think im sleepy? idk i woke up really late today. i looked at the clock. it looked like it said 1. so i went back to sleep. or i tried to but then i was like its been 1 oclock for a while now. so i stared at the clock. and then the 1 turned into a 3. -_________- i was like oh my snaps are you serious?! these family gatherings got me all wiped out. sleeping at 3 tsk tsk. so wise one came over and gave me some songs xD im currently obsessed with this song its so sad >.< "show me a sign, give me a reason to believe in your smile" *tears* especially... "this is your chance our song is playing, you should want us to dance... remember when we danced till the sun came up. im not a game. you cant replace me if i happen to break. so dont make promises and not follow through. cause i dont do that to you." i think peter cried listening to this song? aww =/ okays i think this song is putting me to sleep. but its so pretty. i cant stop listenign to it xD. he also gave me titanic beats. i was like :O cause ive been looking for that song for like everrrrrr. ever since my georgia days lol. thats like 2 years ago. -____- okays now this song is putting me to sleep. its so hard to love a gangstah? pleasee. thank you instrumental. lol so im watching this youtube video and its making me think. i cant believe it but im still falling. and it takes that song to make me realize that?! wtf. hes not even a gangster -_____- or is he?!justkeeding its not the song but the quotes im reading thats making me think though. i know last week was just blech. and what happened was just >.< not good. i hope we dont have to deal with anything like this again but id rather go through bad times with him then good times with someone else. but this is so ridiculous. idk if i can say the same for him though? cause i get this bad feeling. >.< idk why. in my gut. or maybe its just my cousins' words pounding at me telling me to be more careful this time. cause somehow i completely let my guard down >.< i guess being a pessimist runs in the family -___-" know what? im getting tired. time to finish english and study :P peace.

1 comment:

    excuse me! you can be unofficial stats. i’ll be unofficial manager. and mascot girl. WHICH I ALREADY AM. ;D
