Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Strong enough to stop this world from spinning.

so last night i pulled an all nighter with kathynguyen. i was sooo tired. and like i finished at 6:30 wtf. but like i bsed most of it. so i have to fix it all. >.< omgoodness. i fell asleep once. but it was a NAP ok? taking a nap and sleeping are sooo different. naps are like short and your about to fall into a deep sleep. sleeping is sleeping long enough for you to have a complete dream, the end. -____-" i cant believe the table agreed with kevin and not me D: but it was funny cause he tapped this random guy and was like "hey are napping and sleeping-" and the guy looked at him like he was crazy and walked away xD LOL and they say IM embarrassing?? pshh. ok i admit it. i am. but at least when i ask random people questions they dont look at me like im crazy. not to my face anyway :P and i took a nap in spanish. :O it was kinda by accident. after the benchmark i looked at the clock. it was like 12:00. i put my head on my desk and closed my eyes. then i heard kikawa whispering. and class was over. then i was kinda freaking out cause like i coulda been snoring. omgoodness that woulda been embarrassing xD thats right. i snore LOL lovely isnt it? and then afterschool. omgoodness mindy was being so annoying >.< rawr. i suppose i need to be more aggressive? whatever. and danny stayed back for like almost an HOUR. not. my. fault. :P but i feel sooo bad for his mom xD she must hate me >.< okokok i promise i wont make him stay long anymore. well i mean it wasnt my fault per se. but i have to admit i dont exactly want him to go :P cause i dont get to see him that often and hes been sleeping a lot so i havent been able to talk to him much. i was telling jessica how hard it was to figure this all out. she completely understood :'] cause like seriously its soo hard to tell whats going on. honestly i have no idea where we stand right now. so anyway i went home and when kathy was driving away. mindy realized kathy still had my phone -.- then i wanted to take a nap, but my phone is usually my alarm but since it was all mindys fault she was suppose to wake me up at 530. dude. she woke me up at 8 -___- now im doing hw. sorta. lol im tired. omg i shouldnt be procrastinating >.< what a boring day. 3 more days. >.< almost there. no worries. we got this. :]

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