Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops?

break. 9 days. finally. so omgoodness i had the biggest scare today o.o i was with danny and kathy called to tell me mindy was on the phone with my dad. he told her he was at school and he asked where i was. and mindy told him i was in romanos. i was like wtf? hes checking up on me?! *hurt* i cant be trusted? D: ok i know that. i lie to my parents way too much >.< i know its bad. =/ most of the time its for their own good. there are some things they don need to know. like how i get a ride home. yea that worries them -_- they just worry way too much and they dont need the extra stress. but i guess i dont help. rawr. im a bad daughter >.< so i ran as fast as my little legs would go xD but im pretty slow. omgoodness i made a sharp turn an almost fell. LOLOL good thing no one was there to seee xD but wheni got to romano's it was locked iwas like @#!% and then i went to the senior parking lot. and i found mindy and kathy. i was like please let this be a late april fools joke >.< mindy seemed pissed xD lol okokok i promise ill stop. I GUESS she does enough for me. she a real bword about it though. and its not like she does A LOT. she only puts up with my friends and danny but hello????? she loves my friends :P uhhh idk about danny LOL but yea. so turns out it was a false alarm. my parents werent checking up on me. my mom was sick D: and my dad drove her home from work and thought hed pick us up on the way. PHEWWWWWW. i wonder if they passed by the front office though. because. uh oh. >.< omgoodness i hate the mystery. fudgers. i dont think they saw anything? so scary >.< idk ughh. and i totally ditched danny. :O shame on me =/ but my LIFE was on the line. and this is not me being a drama queen either. omgoodness. ive been called a drama queen a lot this week :O i guess that means im a drama queen -__-" oh and apparently im crazy too :P rawr. so kathy. goodness that little cougar LMAO im glad shes happy. like genuinely happy too. it made me wanna cry xD ive never been so happy that i cried. but i came kinda close today. shes been through so much bs from that dumbass. she deserves better. im glad shes finally letting go because he doesnt deserve her time. ok so i took a nap from like 6-10 but im still sleepy duh. i need to catch up on sleep. gonna go dream. night world.