Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tell me what they know about my love.

badabahbahbahhhh. so my plans are ruined. =/ i was suppose to go to the beach with wise one today but my mom was being all anal. shes like no hes probably gonna take his friends too. and im like uhh no mom. its a family thing. just us cousins<3. cause thats how it always is. but she wouldnt listen. whatever. i was too tired to argue anyway. she doesnt get our bond LOL. dude i love my couins<3 theyre alwaysalwaysalways there for me. and like we always have the best times. and its like we all belong in different groups at school but at home, with the family, we're just family. and i know that as much as we mess around, theyll always be there for me. :'] fudgers. im all emotional haha good thing no one us up right now. but omgoodness theres this car outside and its soo annoying. its been beeping every like 2 minutes -.- RAWR i just want to throw something at it ^.^ lovely. i like kathy's myspace song. teehee.
so last night i was oober bored. my mom made me get off the computer. rawr. i have a curfew for aim?! mother effer. 9 o'clock. miss me my loves :'[ so i went to bed and called a whole mess of people xD but the only person who picked up was andrew :'[ and someone *coughcough* has to tell me EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING cause a promise is a promise LOL i made andrew promise to tell me about everything if i guessed her name. suckahhh. i didnt cheat. i'm just psychic. i only knew her name cause he was thinking about her too much that her essence and her name just came to me. LOL right right. ;D his reaction to when i said her name was priceless LOL wish i coulda seen it. then i got bored cause he was being ridiculously stubborn and wouldnt keep his promise. rawr. so i hung up on him and got something to eat haha.
*sigh* i just remembered kevin is in new mexico talking to the dean :'[ hes going to college soon omgoodness. this makes me sooo sad. fudgers. only 2 1/4 years of high school left >.< and all those dorky seniors and juniors are gonna leave soon =/ gah that makes me sad. its ok. we'll just make the best of the little time we have left and just make it last :]
:O i was suppose to go to church at 8. why do my parents keep doing this? -_-" its really annoying. i wish i could drive. i should sign up for drivers ed classes. LOL imagine me... driving xD i probably cant even reach the peddles :P *swings feet back and forth* omgoodness so Friday night my mom kept coming out and was like go to sleep. and then she came out and looked at me seriously and was like kelly im serious. you have 3 more years. i was like O.O uh oh. what is she gonna lecture me about now? and then she continues... you need to drink milk. how else are you going to grow? you only have so many years left until you stop growing... LOL my face went from o.o to xD no duh. i knew that. its not like i can really help it. who says milk makes you grow anyway D: statistics? pshh whateverrrr. ive BEEN drinking milk since i realized i wasnt growing. it doesnt help =/ this is the longest most boring blog ever....
plans for today?
-go to church
-talk to that indian guy about my computer problems xD
-download antivirus
-update my ipod ^.^
-watch australia
-keep kevin "w/ the eye" company during his stay in new mexico
-not do hw :P
-and do something spontaneous? LOL great. its not spontaneous anymore now that ive planned to do it xD oh wells. we shall see. we shall see

i have a secret: im a little bit of a jealous person. just a little. /)_(\


  1. dude! omg! im working on it, bud! call me when you're down :'[ i'll try to perk you up with my dorkiness!
