Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Touch my hand.

sooo. i caught up on all my math hw ;D so proud of myself :'] now no math hw for another 2 weeks? niiiiice. then i took a nap. i was sooo weird, cause i had all this pressure on my eyes... like it hurt D: i musta been reaaaaaaally tired. anyway... got the computer fixed. :D its soo annoying though cause scott updated it like crazy. and the tabs are all weird and im not used to any of it D: and the mouse is soooo sensitive. it keeps clicking other things when im not even touching it so im like typing and then it clicks to somewhere else D: but im sooo glad we have the computer back. i was about to die D: and poor kluu. he keeps calling me to tell me to work on the spanish project but everytime he calls, either mindy is using the laptop or its all out of whack so it goes from nagging me to do the project to talking about random stuff. such a drama queen, that one. and i suppose i should do some research now... but im too lazy. its late. i should go to sleep. english cst tomorrow. yippeeee. *yawn*

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