Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lolli lolli lollipop oh youre my lollipop.

i think mindys napping so ill sneak on for a a bit xD today was kinda ehh. but whatevers. went straight home today so i had to miss the tennis game. i couldnt go support my boys :'[ sorrysorry. *fingers crossed* i hope jeffy and david, and ken and vinh SWEEP ;D dammit i just realized today's game was against BOLSA TT________TT we've been waiting for this. i dont pay attention well... even mindy knew?! wtf. i fail TT____TT i wouldnt have been able to handle it anyways. my allergies are all out of whack >.< it suckssss. stupid springtime RAWR. and heart "disease" is bugging me again. -____-" been hurting and all since this weekend. tears. what if i DIE?! justkeeding. overreacting. lol i blame it on my out of whack flow.

p.s. im usually a vegetarian but i guess im beefing.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! sorry! i know you're sad but LOL1 you're p.s. comment at the end is hecka hilarious!
