Sunday, April 19, 2009

And it feels like its the first time that anyones ever brought the sun without the rain.

woke up at 745ish. at 8 doreena came barging into our apartment... APPARENTLY SOMEONE FORGOT TO LOCK THE DOOR LAST NIGHT /)_< we coulda got robbed or something. tsk tsk. we got my hair done while talking about korean dramas xD fuuuun. then scott picked me up and took me to his house. friggin mart and phillip took longer to get ready than me and my aunt. what a bunch of girls. so we got to church pretty late. =/ oh wells. mass wasnt that bad. i expected it to be longer. i didnt even realize it but i fot confirmed before everyone at the table xD suckaaas. just keeding :P but what really made my day was when i was walking out and i saw danny xD big surprise. he even dressed up for me xD all my cousins have been asking me if he was going to come and i said no because i really didnt think hed want to go to church. hes buddhist, he thinks? xD i didnt even know he knew what time it started o.o but im glad i was wrong xD after the mass, i ran around a lot to take pictures, and hide from my family. shame shame, i know. and my dad kept looking at me. like suspiciously >.< i got really worried. i was freaking out cause i thought he saw me with danny. then i forgot about it and ate pho at phillips house, watched them play streetfighter, and fell asleep listening to my ipod. then went home to change and went to the restaurant. after we ate... me, viv, kathy, and mindy went to the mall. got some new clothes. theyre pretty xD lol then the mall closed and we had to run all the way around the mall to get back to the restaurant cause all the doors were locked D: it was scary cause it was nighttime and yeaa four young girls walking aloneish... that has danger written all over it. but we made it safely, and back at the restaurant, my dad was like staring at me. i got so scared. but i blew it off and went up to him like normal and stuff. he kinda ignored me :'[ i got kinda sad >.< and it made me worry some more. rawr. but when we got home and everyone was like all ready for bed, and i was watching snl, he came out and pulled the chair out and told me to sit down. i was like !@#%# here it comes >.< and then he told me to give him a massage. LOL. phewwwww. i think hes stressed, probably worrying about he should be at work, and how im confirmed, one more daughter to go. next thing he knows, ill be graduating >.< its all very scary when i think about it too. and it makes me sad. i think im ok for now. but my mom was like ehh when she found out i got flowers from kevinwiththeeye and that i didnt introduce him to my dad -__- she was like dont be all sneaky. you can have friends. just not _____. technically she didnt even say it. so im ok right? >.< whatevers.

so today is our one month<3 ^___^ whats embarrassing is that i really wanted to shout it out to the world. yea i had that kind of feeling all day xD but no one really cared LOL so yea. anyways, im hella tired. dreaming time. night world.