Thursday, April 30, 2009

I know that after tonight, you dont have to look up at the stars

i dont know why. but ive been really tired this week. thank goodness this week has gone by really fast cause tomorrows friday :] cant wait. well, i can wait for that ortho appointment :P for some reason, everything seems to be flying by (except for my classes) and now im freaking out about my... FUTURE *dun dun DUN!* the year is almost over. we still have like a month and half left to be sophomores. as bad as this sounds. im going to continue to put this off for a bit. just lock it in a box and put it in the back of my closet. right behind all those boxes of stuff xD

pe was extremely long, and i was tired. then spanish was long. speaking of long. omgoodnesss long -_- that smarty. he shouldnt have been messing around with his blackberry in the first place! but mirsch is still -_- and yeaaa at lunch me jessica and kathy made kevinluu a poster for his last game of the season. so last minute xD but it looked good. and i tried to tape it to the fence but the wind blew it and hella made it whack me -___- that was embarrassing LOL and now we have to make one for the jv boys xD but theres so many >.< what do we do now?! D: the game was baaaaad. i think kevin was losing /)_(\ richard is the weak link!!! why couldnt he have a better partner D: but i still dont know how he did cause kathy doesnt know how to keep score -_- neither does the stats girl O_o i could be a better stats girl. pshh. i really hate no knowing the score. how do you just watch?? it was bugging me the whole time. rawr. and the sun was in my eyes =/ it hurted. and kathy wouldnt be my shade. the meanie NO FOOD FOR HER! :P HA! plus im too lazy to make it anyway. ahh idk why but im soo tired >.< these eight hours of sleep arent doing much for me. i guess im used to having not enough sleep and now im getting too much? and its making me tired? weird... so sleepy. buti have stuff to do. like study and study some more. and draw charmander... xD its gonna be my epic PHAIL /)_(\ and omg i still havent asked... >.< just waiting for the right moment. yuuup.

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