Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So i wrote you a song.

rawr. maria still wont tell me why she threw that empty juicy carton at me :'[ MEANMEANMEAN! anyway, badminton for 2hours was ok. an extra hour of fuuuuun. as if i really care -_- and then spanish was looong. and me and andrewvu and long were playing sticks. andrew is really good o.o its like weird that hes so pro at it O___o all the strategies and stuff. i suck LOL and then later we were listening to my ipod and longs blackberry and they were singing.... fun haha. then cst was whatever. but theres "tbsk" written on the back of jennifer's seat which means a gangbanger sits in my seat o.o and then afterschool i went to watch the game... sorta. the starters didnt play. that was no fun D: i am sooo there for league finals to support them jv boys. :] and before we went home jeffrey was modeling xD hes got that model pout going on LOL that cutie haha.

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