Friday, April 24, 2009

You know i'll walk them miles.

sooo. just got back from dennys. xD i eat like a monster. and its pretty embarrassing lol. my dad said something about it. then my mom. then my dad again xD oh wells. food is good ok? and anyways. today was ok. i got a new seat in history today. front seat. right next to crosby -___- i forgot we were picking seats today D: so i walked jeffy to class with maria and we lagged :P and now that im sitting there i feel the need to talk to her or something O_o but im not going to. pshh. the rest of the day was whatever. except for lunch. haha. we played the watermelon game. soo fun. but i was like one of the first to lose /)_(\ PHAIL. but fun haha. so tomorrow is dannys bday. he doesnt seem too happy about it =/ i wonder why. i had that plan of doing that one thing that me and jessica discussed. with those 16 things that you put on that one thing... but rawr. maybe i wont do it anymore >.<

1 comment:

  1. LOL! tell me what?! do tell! and you do eat like a monster! remember com tam?! hell went berserko on that bone man!
