*sigh* accident?! ... thats just AWESOME... I can't sleep >.< I've been laying in bed for an hour and a half /)_< I guess now I owe danny 8 or 9 surprises? ... I think I lost count LOL and I only have one surprise in mind xD this is gonna be really hard...
So today we had a girls day out. We went to the mall and tastea and stuff.. and vivian updated us. I'm so proud of her for taking that big step :'] cause oh my daaang... that took a lot of guts *APPLAUSE* LOL I really hope it works out for her and that cookie dough doesn't give up and especially that she doesn't give up... I'm scared that she might >.< she's let it go before... it's her turn to fight for it.. slowly but surely >.< good luck dearie
Friday, July 24, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
You're my silver lining covered in gold.
So last night we finally went home. My mom made this weird vegetable/fruit smoothie drink that looked like chunky green slime for me and mindy to drink... It wasn't that bad just a little hard to swallow? But my dad came in and saw as and he laughed at us like a " HAHA SUCKERS :P" kind of laugh... Was it really that bad?! LOL anyway after that I gave mindy the her presents. She didn't like the socks I got her cause they lowered her self esteem and weren't PURPLE and black... Apparently I'm colorblind /)_< and she told me the gaara danny bought for her was ok... But then she told kathy that she liked it ... I think she liked it. Yay ^_^ so I have a confession to make... Even though danny gave me 15 extra minutes... I still didn't meet my curfew xD I was in bed by 145 but I didn't sleep until like 155 or something like that so uhh 7 surprises including tonights xD
Today was mindys birthday. Happy fourteenth bday! We woke up early and went to the shop.. Where my mom put me to work as the cashier and stuff. Then kim finally came and we talked a bit. Then Daniel, doreena, huong, and kathy came I visit. Daniel decided not to hit on kim LOL which is funny cause she seemed to know what he was up to and was mean to him xD sorry Daniel LOL he took us to the los Cerritos mall anyway. There we went to forever 21 where I finally got new jeans. They fit so nice too :'] yay lol now my top priority is getting shorts that my parents will approve of :P so we went back to the shop where we painted each others nails ... I suck LOL but that's ok :P then we all went out to eat at this one viet restaurant that I'm too lazy to spell out cause I can't xD then we all went back to my place to cut mindys cake. Doreena stuffed mindys face with whipped cream but Tracy didn't know how to use my camera so we got nothing.../)_< then I stuffed whipped cream in my moms face but she got me back LOL it was really gross xD after we cleaned up my mom gave peter and mart a beauty treatment.. xD such BABIES but hella funny xD when they finished with all that everyone went home and we hung out with kim a bit... I feel bad cause it seems like she's bored with us >.< she's so much older than us and I feel... Immature which I am :P but yea all in all it was a pretty good day..
Except omgoodness stupid mindy for making my mom feel bad... She didn't have to embarrass my mom in front of everyone -__- stupid giiiiirl. And I hate it when people talk crap about other people behind their back and they get all "nice" to their face. And I didn't talk to danny much today =/ bummer...
Today was mindys birthday. Happy fourteenth bday! We woke up early and went to the shop.. Where my mom put me to work as the cashier and stuff. Then kim finally came and we talked a bit. Then Daniel, doreena, huong, and kathy came I visit. Daniel decided not to hit on kim LOL which is funny cause she seemed to know what he was up to and was mean to him xD sorry Daniel LOL he took us to the los Cerritos mall anyway. There we went to forever 21 where I finally got new jeans. They fit so nice too :'] yay lol now my top priority is getting shorts that my parents will approve of :P so we went back to the shop where we painted each others nails ... I suck LOL but that's ok :P then we all went out to eat at this one viet restaurant that I'm too lazy to spell out cause I can't xD then we all went back to my place to cut mindys cake. Doreena stuffed mindys face with whipped cream but Tracy didn't know how to use my camera so we got nothing.../)_< then I stuffed whipped cream in my moms face but she got me back LOL it was really gross xD after we cleaned up my mom gave peter and mart a beauty treatment.. xD such BABIES but hella funny xD when they finished with all that everyone went home and we hung out with kim a bit... I feel bad cause it seems like she's bored with us >.< she's so much older than us and I feel... Immature which I am :P but yea all in all it was a pretty good day..
Except omgoodness stupid mindy for making my mom feel bad... She didn't have to embarrass my mom in front of everyone -__- stupid giiiiirl. And I hate it when people talk crap about other people behind their back and they get all "nice" to their face. And I didn't talk to danny much today =/ bummer...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
For what it's worth, darling dear, I wish you were here.
So ooooh now danny owes me a suprise cause I fell asleep before him last night :P somewhere around 330ish? xD but whatever I still owe him five counting tonight :P anywayss I forgot what time I woke up this morning but it was pretty late and my aunt was getting pissy :P my bad... So we went to chuck e cheeses today for amie's birthday Fun lol me and kathy got the jackpot like four times xD and then we lost that winnng streak cause that machine was getting whack :P and playing that basketball game is always fun haha high score was 49 I think? Lol I don't even remember but niiiice xD LOL then we took those sketch pictures and tried to fit the four of us in one picture.... Fail :P me and kathy were always cut off LOL and mindys big head was always taking up all the room :P I only like the funny picture I took with kathy... I tried to take a solo pic but... That was fail too D: after that we went to Asia buffet where I saw victor he gave me this awkward wave LOL speaking of awkward... Anthony made me feel super awkward today /)_(\ why did he have to pick on me?! But at least he doesn't hate us like last year LOL yeaaa after we ate we went on a walk around the krikorian metroplex place. I love that place. It's so perfect. There's food and frozen yogurt and walmart and a mall and the movies :P but anyway we played with the little kiddies and brandon was being the cutie he is xD then me vivian and kathy ran up the down escelater LOL I've always wanted to do that but I never had the guts to xD dudeee it's tiring and it hurt my eyes cause i was staring at the steps LOL then we reunited with the aunts and uncles and just talked I guess. Then we decided to watch harry potter since we were already there. But just us four while the older cousins and their friends went off to do stuff :P pshh whatever lol the movie was pretty good. Soooo INTENSE. But imjust waiting for the last movie so there can be a happy ending already :P but I have to admit there were some pretty cute parts that just made me go awww xD so we're back home and I'm waiting for my hair to dry already cause I'm hella tired D:
I got the perfect surprise for danny today but I don't like it D: I'm so disappointed that I killed it /)_< so since it's like after midnight... It's our four month <3 I'm sooo not getting the month number wrong this time xD
I got the perfect surprise for danny today but I don't like it D: I'm so disappointed that I killed it /)_< so since it's like after midnight... It's our four month <3 I'm sooo not getting the month number wrong this time xD
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Because when the sun shines we'll shine together.
Today was fun :] warner. Park. Stater brothers. I'm glad danny and kathy came to visit but I wish I didn't have to be so paranoid /)_< I hid behind dannys shirt a lot until I decided that I was out too long and got dropped off at the house. Later I called them back to hear that kathy fell off a tree and needed bandaids... I almost believed them too /)_(\ then kathy "went home" and danny was being followed by a hobo with a shopping cart making weird noises... I believed that too D: so I told him to come back to the house and I'd keep him company... I AM gullible /)_(\ why would a hobo be following him? Durr /)_< but I guess it's ok cause walking around the neighborhood with danny wasn't soooo bad :P except there were these yappy dogs and I was like whatever cause they were behind a fence but then we heard a deep bark and a giant lab came out of nowhere with NO LEASH /)_(\ I was ready to run but danny wouldnt let me... Then we watched the lab leave a present on the lawn and walk into the neighbors garage.... Who KNOWS what he left in there :P lovely neightbors eh? Lol then I had to get back before my aunt came home from work and danny walked back to warner. I helped vivian with some of her homework and then took a really long nap.. Didn't wake up til 9? Took a shower. Ate. Watched the secret life. Prayed. Then ate again xD omgoodness I'm craving pancakes D: yuck. stupid red ninja makes me go crazy -__- anyways I just finished watching the movie 10 things I hate about you. What a cute movie xD it's definitely a favorite. Sooooo cute xD I'd watch the abc family series for it next but the itouch is totally drained and I'm a little sleepy. Calling kathy at 7 again :P and now I owe danny 4 surprises xD
Sunday, July 12, 2009
With you not around it's a little more than I can stand.
Today I woke up at 2ish? Or somewhere around there. Ate rice for breakfast. Had an intense conversation/girl talk with kathy then watched harry potter. Then talked to danny. I love it when I can hear him smiling xD then we went out and ate crawfish. Yummm xD and when we got back to doreenas house we watched the Disneyland fireworks from her driveway. They were so pretty ^___^ while the others watched shining inheritence I was busy making dannys headache worse D: until he finally decided he would go to sleep :P then the five of us got together for a girl talk with brownies and vanilla ice cream. I couldn't say much about my stuff because honestly there's nothing to say. I'm just happy xD and id probably bore them anyway :P kathy opened up and even vivian. OMGoodness. FINALLY. I've been waiting forever to hear that girls story. Her blogs freaked me out and she never found the right time to tell me -___- but omg she's so cute LOL we helped her to make the first step in "going back to November" and we are sooooo dressing her up for church tomorrow because "sparks will fly when he meets her eyes" xD eeeep I'm so excited xD the thing is.... We're all kinda dressing up so her mom won't single her out... I guess I don't really mind :P I have to admit it's kinda fun to dress up but also kinda embarrassing when people notice xD anyways tomorrow we begin operation: back to November. ;D okok I just came up with that like right now but it works LOL I really hope he replies to her IM and I really hope this works out for the both of them >.< I like watching people fall in love or anything close to it. I like happy endings that lead to happy beginnings. I guess that's why I love watching kdramas... So it's not because of the cute guys :P *fingers crossed* let's hope this works >.<
Uhhh I told danny I'd try to sleep earlier.... It's passed four /)_< I owe him 2 surprises :P
Uhhh I told danny I'd try to sleep earlier.... It's passed four /)_< I owe him 2 surprises :P
Friday, July 10, 2009
I'm feeling like I'm falling away.
Panda plush so cuuute xD mmm super saiyan? /)_(\ moderation. Mhmm. so anyway today me and mindy went to doreenas house and I guess we're here for a couple of days :P I'm still not over my homesickness and stuff and I promised myself I'd start on east of Eden this week D: what happened?! If my cousins from Florida visit next week I won't have the time D: and then the week after that it's mindy and amie's birthdays... They're probably gonna have joint bday whether mindy likes it or not :P and speaking of birthdays omgoodness kevin made me feel so bad for not going to any of his and duys bday things D: it's not like I really have a choice >.< it's not like I don't care about them and the guilt trip was ridiculous >:O so not fair... And omgoodness kathys bday is coming up >.< what do I get her?! D: present shopping is so hard /)_< rawr and I hope Ill at least get to go to kathys bday thing if she ever gets around to planning it :P ahh I miss everyone >.<
So anyway today I took a nap and when I woke up I was like half asleep and mindy and my cousins were going to vivians house and was just like go without me... There's no room anyway. Then I went back to sleep sorta and when I came to my senses I realized I was home alone /)_(\ and doreenas house is hella scary D: last year me and my cousins thought it was haunted... I still kinda get freaked out about it but danny called and he kept me company <3 even though he did scare me a bit more -__- anyway :P I really had to go potty and I was really hungry but I was too scared to leave doreenas room and after like an hour and a half I decided to man up and find something to eat and I heard Daniel in his room xD silly me. He was home the whole time so I wasn't really alone LOL yup yup so smaaaaaaart xD and later when everyone came home we just did whatever and then baked and decorated cakes. The others had fun mixing frosting colors while I took a shower and when they finished we all decorated our own piece of the cake :P hehe we're such amateurs lol we finally finished at like 130ish or something? Idk I wasn't really paying attention to the time :P and we all ate our decorated piece. Yum ^_^ lol but all the frosting made the cakes soooo sweet >.< it was pretty good but I wish I didn't put so much frosting. Super sweet stuff isn't really my thing :P and now I'm super tired...
So anyway today I took a nap and when I woke up I was like half asleep and mindy and my cousins were going to vivians house and was just like go without me... There's no room anyway. Then I went back to sleep sorta and when I came to my senses I realized I was home alone /)_(\ and doreenas house is hella scary D: last year me and my cousins thought it was haunted... I still kinda get freaked out about it but danny called and he kept me company <3 even though he did scare me a bit more -__- anyway :P I really had to go potty and I was really hungry but I was too scared to leave doreenas room and after like an hour and a half I decided to man up and find something to eat and I heard Daniel in his room xD silly me. He was home the whole time so I wasn't really alone LOL yup yup so smaaaaaaart xD and later when everyone came home we just did whatever and then baked and decorated cakes. The others had fun mixing frosting colors while I took a shower and when they finished we all decorated our own piece of the cake :P hehe we're such amateurs lol we finally finished at like 130ish or something? Idk I wasn't really paying attention to the time :P and we all ate our decorated piece. Yum ^_^ lol but all the frosting made the cakes soooo sweet >.< it was pretty good but I wish I didn't put so much frosting. Super sweet stuff isn't really my thing :P and now I'm super tired...
Friday, July 3, 2009
Buh buh big BANG.
new songs. new MVs. new hair. WTF why do they look so gay?! D: gdragon looks like a girl with his freakishly long hair. how did it grow so fast?! he used to be half bald... o.o why does top look a little feminine???? NOOOOOOOOOO.... and daesung too... but who really cares about him LOL at least taeyang and seungri look normal :DDD and daesung and seungri sang more in gara gara. but uhh i dont really like that song. ehh 2NE1's "I dont care" song is pretty catchy though :]
mmm a lot has happened in the past.. what? 2 weeks? idk i kinda lost track of time. ill do a recap laters. so this weekend is thomas and lena are here to visit. lena is sooo cute xD and the way she talks is freaking adorable. thomas is just his usual self but less aggressive and more adorable :] and i heard brandon was being super cute on his walk with mindy and vivian. omgoodness! all these little people xD plans for next week? family time. possibly the beach this saturday? then idk what else. my visit. its my turn. im excited. but i just know something is gonna ruin my plans. then i MIGHT go to kevin and duy's birthday thing. or at least one of them im way too scared to ask though /)_(\ but i already got their presents. tay and jeff too since i owe them for their birthday xD better late than never right?? which reminds me.. dinh dropped me off at the mall... the trip wasnt as awkward as i thought it would be. somehow we started talking about amusement parks and swimming and stuff LOL but poor dinh. his face lit up when tracy called but theyre like broken up or something? .<
mmm a lot has happened in the past.. what? 2 weeks? idk i kinda lost track of time. ill do a recap laters. so this weekend is thomas and lena are here to visit. lena is sooo cute xD and the way she talks is freaking adorable. thomas is just his usual self but less aggressive and more adorable :] and i heard brandon was being super cute on his walk with mindy and vivian. omgoodness! all these little people xD plans for next week? family time. possibly the beach this saturday? then idk what else. my visit. its my turn. im excited. but i just know something is gonna ruin my plans. then i MIGHT go to kevin and duy's birthday thing. or at least one of them im way too scared to ask though /)_(\ but i already got their presents. tay and jeff too since i owe them for their birthday xD better late than never right?? which reminds me.. dinh dropped me off at the mall... the trip wasnt as awkward as i thought it would be. somehow we started talking about amusement parks and swimming and stuff LOL but poor dinh. his face lit up when tracy called but theyre like broken up or something? .<
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