Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.

I woke up super late today and it was so HOTTT :'[ I was on the phone with customer care for like more than an hour trying to figure out how to set up picture messaging /)_< but I was on hold half the time and they kept taking me off of hold to tell me thanks for holding.. Now keep holding. Stupid machine. LOL anyway. My teeth are really sensitive right now D: i'm like scared to eat ice cream even though it's so hot >.< rawr!! Ooooh today danny wooed me with his fancy words and put a HUGE smile on my face xD it was super corny LOL but cuuute heheh it's almost my birthday! OMG! Jk it's not a big deal for me lol my mom already tells everyone I'm 16 LOL she started doing that when mindy turned 14 LOL today my dad was like.. What do you want to do for your birthday? And honestly I have no idea :P so he gave me suggestions like why don't we do it on labor day? And want to go to the beach? And then he looks at me and was like... How about vegas? LOL why not? xD actually I really doubt it haha *sigh* I'm getting old D: I can't sleep... Darn nostalgia and stuff -__- this always happens at the end of summer >:O I think I'll read. I've got lots of catching up to do >.<

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