Thursday, June 4, 2009

All i ever wanted was to see you smiling.

so i promised myself i wouldnt go on aim today. i cant handle anymore distractions. tomorrows friday which means i need to handle just one more "sleepless" night before the weekend >.< honestly i shouldnt be blogging but i couldnt resist xD so i got to school so late this morning cause my dad was taking forever and then my mom got all anal and drove us to school.. wtf. she doesnt drive... and she especially cant drive the van o.o i thought we were gonna die. cause she was yelling and driving at the same time and im like pay attention to the road! /)_(\ scary~~ then i watched the boat races thing and i saw phillips. wtf its like a box... and i was suppose to be in that?! pshh. afterschool he told me that after 1.2 seconds it sunk xD poor johnny haha he replaced me.

so today was pretty chill. me likey :] but i was sooo tired i couldnt fully enjoy it D: so danny got saturday school :O oooooh. shame shame. :P how do you get saturday school for no reason? that makes nooo sense. maybe it was a mistake. there are a lot of dannys and a few other carrolls right? :p but of course im a bad influence and thats probably why he got saturday school. yup all those illegal things i did like try to buy cigarettes, and movie hopping, and the payperview. shameful. just SHAMEFUL. pshh whateverr :P so anyway afterschool me and mindy walked home. it was so hot. turns out my mom was home today and when we got home she made us run across the street to my grandmas house to get mindys shoes. so we j-walk over there... DANGEROUS. and then we open the door and vinh is running around halfnaked LOL and then my grandma tells us that my dad already took the shoes home. so we j-walk across bolsa again and go look for the shoes. then we call my dad and he tells us he left them in the van... the one he drove to work... THIRTY MINUTES AWAY IN SANTA FE SPRINGS -_- we're just like what now?! and hes like uh too bad. mindy was just like I NEED SHOES!!!!! and i was just like I COULDA BEEN NAPPING THIS WHOLE TIME x______x so i finally took a nap and set up 2 alarms. when i woke up i went back to sleep. then jennifer called me. THANKGOODNESS. but i was like wtf jennifer has my number? and then i hear a guy's voice and im like OH YEA ITS JEFF! xD my bad. hes all worried that he woke me up but he really SAVED ME xD yay. after i gave him hw i went into my moms room to see mindys hair. it was all curled and she looked so girly xD honestly. she looked very pretty :'] and she wore my mom's shoes which i didnt think were too bad but she was freaking out cause she was too tall -_- seriously?! id kill to be taller... i bet shes worried about her DATE and that he'll be too short for her LMAO justkeeding. but really theyre only in middle school and most of them probably havent hit puberty yet LOLOL then i took pictures for her and walked her outside so peter could take her to school. when i came back my mom was all excited and she wanted to see the pictures. then like 15 minutes later she asks me what time it is.
me: 6:12?
my mom: THATS IT?!!
*3 minutes later*
me: now its 6:15...
me: O__o wow mom you missing mindy?
my mom: *bigsmile* uhh... no i just want her to get back so she can tell me all about it
LOLOLL of course.. and shes doing something with her eye and her nose was getting red. aww her littlest baby is growing up :'] i have this urge to dress up and sneak in just to keep and eye on her. my mom even asked me if parents were allowed to be there LOL not because she didnt trust mindy but i think its more cuase its mindys first dance lol ok so mindy went to the dance but ive never been to one... and peters all being mean to me about it cause i dont know how to freak and im like I DONT WANT TO.. and OMG MINDY KNOWS HOW TO GRIND o.o but she says shes never done it. but she could if she tried? o.o im not even really sure how that works... how does she?!

so anyway. tennis banquet today. i coulda gone OMG I COULDA GONE. yesterday i told my mom about how tuan's sister asked me to go with him but i told her i couldnt go and my mom was just like why cant you? and im like o.o cause you said so? and shes like.... you should go. and im like huh?! so mindy called My and she told tuan but it was too late. oh wells :P i have to do history anyway... which im working on now... yeaa. but omg i coulda gone. but its probably a good idea that i didnt. and then oh yea my mom found out about youtube on the itouch and she liked it so she freaking took it back for herself >:O but i still use it cause it charges in my room mwahhaa xD ok enough procrastinating /)_<

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