Saturday, June 13, 2009

Talk, Play, Love.

so last week was a bust -_- the day i got my bottom retainer, i lost both by throwing them away at lunch. realized it too late at 7ish and begged scott to take me to school to look for it. then i asked the custodian guys if they could take down the trash at the top and they ended up taking a shovel and stick to help me look for it. i could barely see over the dumpster thing. mother eff. gave up at 8? and went home crying. my parents were pretty pissed /)_(\ then i had to do my essay and had like no sleep this week and i just want to crash but i have my history ppt and annotations to do. and then i have to study for my finals D: my grades are so bad this year >.<

so this morning peter took me and mindy out to eat dim sum across the street. it wasn't that good LOL. oh well. peter was being retarded as usual. food coma!! then after we stopped by my grandmas and played with vinh. that cutieeeeee. he called mart a dog xD and then peter called vinh a pig and he was like no im a DOOOOOOOG. cute xD and he was riding his little tricycle around in circles. im surprised he didnt run into anything. he was riding with one hand and he wasnt looking where he was going... more coordinated than me and hes only 3 TT__TT but he has the cutest smile xD lol

so today was suppose to be hw and study all day.. i was about to start until peter took us out -_- now im too lazy to do anything. i was gonna do some last night but i was feeling all whatevers and stuff so i went to sleep. im still tired... i really want to take a nap but i know i wont wake up. rawr. only 3 more days left. i just need to hang in there >.< stupid excuses -_-

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