Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do you know you're my miracle?

i soo did not want to wake up this morning >.< and crosby wont let me do drug trafficking in cuba. shes MAKING me do venezuela /)_< even though its something im not very "passionate" about. fine... whatever she wants. i better get a good grade >:O and then i told jessica something i wasnt suppose to tell her. and I THINK KATHYS MAD AT ME /)_(\ i did it for her own good >.< i sorry... D: but we had a mjkk meeting today. worked most things out. i didnt finish my story soo i guess we'll have another meeting? haha we're so formal xD fun. good times. lets get back to them yea? ^_^ cause i sure missed it. see???? we wouldnt have had that meeting if i hadnt told jessica right?! RIGHT. so yea ;D but im still sorry =/ so anywaysss my parents picked me up afterschool and i asked them to take me to barnes and nobles and my mom had a tantrum -_- and my dad was having fun making fun of her for having a tantrum. but mostly i was like wow what a baby >.< and then she complained that we were taking so long to get the books but what really took forever was waiting for her starbucks -_- and when we told her that she started yelling about how common sense woulda told us to just leave without it. woooow. yea -_- then we got del taco and my mom was in a better mood and she started talking about how i could get and itouch and i would give her my ipod :D niice. but now its time to convince my dad D: that shall be difficult. bummer.

mmm. very intense talk yesterday. heart was beating like crazy. like i stopped everything and poured it all out >.< it took me a while for each response though. i wanted to be careful. and it kinda took a lot out of me. but it was good to let it out. elfy said he was proud of me. but still. it was overwhelming. *sigh* it was a good talk though. mhmm

ok time to start on hw >.<

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